Thursday, January 5, 2012

Follow Friday! (7)

Question of the Week: Go count the number of unread books sitting on your shelf. How many?

I have approximately 235 books on my Nook. I have probably not read 75–100 of those. A lot of those books I got as free downloads from Barnes & Noble. I'm not counting my paper books. I physically can't handle a paper book anymore so I read strictly on my Nook.


  1. 75-100 is not so bad, you should see the bloggers with 500 plus. I'm both envious and alarmed for them. Mostly envious.

    Jez's Bookcase

  2. Hopping through. Your number seems pretty common. I need to take advantage of those free ebooks more.
    My Hop

  3. Eep, that sure is a lot! :o

    - New follower

  4. nice number, I have a lot of ebooks, it takes me more time to read them.

    old follower

    Mine is here

  5. Ebooks are just so tempting. One click and its there to read. Then that number just keeps creeping up.

    New Follower!
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
    My FF

  6. whoa, on your nook. my e-reader is in its beginning stage. only about 9 i believe.

  7. I can't believe how much I have grown to love ebooks over the past year or so! It sounds like you still have a lot of books to look forward to.

  8. Don't you just love your nook? I really really REALLY love mine!

    Happy Follow Friday!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your pile is a little bit bigger than mine. I wanted to stop buying books (or not as many) for the New Year, but that hasn't happened! Hope you enjoy them all!


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